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Denial was founded 2003. After a few lineupchanges we found a stable one in spring 2005. 2006 James joined the band.

This Linup is:

Gavin - vocals

Bartosz - guitars

Andreas - guitars

Christoph - bass and programming

In fall 2009 James left the band an Andi took the vacant position.
In summer 2010 Denial parted ways with Christian.

The music of Denial can be described best as a mix of different genres of heavy metal.
Agressive shouts and clean vocals are combined with modern riffing and powerfull drumming. Synthesizers add a very unique touch to the sound.


3:33 Min
4:38 Min
Aufrufe 9555 mal aufgerufen
Hörzeit 149:07:57 Stunden angehört    Klicks 22020 mal angehört

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